
Comedians Need To Go Back To Doing Comedy

Comedy has become a big deal in the entertainment industry nowadays. The funny thing is comedy actually pays. How many jesters have been able to build houses/homes through comedy?
The motivation that comes with it has made so many people to conglomerate themselves into creating funny skits and sharing them on social media.
In the local context, comedians are actually making it big and without a doubt, they’re doing way better than some musicians. Take an example of Crazy Kennar, Cartoon Comedian, Flaqo, et cetera. They’re doing quite well in the industry.

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But some have lost it. Comedians have turned to politicians, some have ventured into radio, while others have switched over to various careers.

A good example of comedians who have wasted their talent include Jalang’o, MC Jessy and Oga Obinna.

Radio has proved to be a challenge to Obinna.

A good example of comedians who have wasted their talent include Jalang’o, MC Jessy and Oga Obinna.

Radio has proven to be a challenge to Obinna. His predecessor Jalang’o is also struggling with politics despite winning the Langata MP seat.
MC Jessy on the other hand, ventured into politics but lost his chance. In the same way, he lost his sense of humor and comical talent.
These are among the numerous Comedians who have transitioned to other careers and forgot to stick to comedy. The bottom line is, all of them should just stick to comedy and stop trying to use popularity to switch to other careers.


About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
