
DJ Creme Facing Parental Alienation Is Very Troubling

DJ Creme is a man hurting. This is abundantly clear when you realize that he has taken to his social media accounts to lay out his pain and whether or not you agree with this method of crying out is beside the point. We are focused on the reason for his hurt.

Word went around that his marriage had come to an abrupt end after he and his long time partner and fiance, Denise had gone their separate ways and she had taken the couple’s kids along with her and she was not allowing him to see the children.

While this is a terrible turn of events, the truth is that DJ Creme is one of many men who have realised that when to comes to their children, they do not have any power nor agency over the young ones’ welfare nor wellbeing. That means that when marriages fail, a lot of men lose their children and life goes on.

I mean, even when you look at the comments on his post, most of them are simply making fun of the medium and the videos shared instead of actually reaching out to the man. A lot of blockhead celebs like Shaffie Weru were more focused on the fact his daughter was upset he was not forgiving her after she had apologised several times over.

Creme’s son

And that is partly where the problem is; a lot of men do not have genuine relationships. Can you imagine, like DJ Creme, going on social media to let out your cry for help only for your “friends” to post nonsense in the comment section? Why not just give the man a call? I really have to question whether or not he has friends and this also reflects negatively on the man himself.

And why don’t we address this issue? I dunno. Why has Denise denied him access to his children? I don’t know but what I do know is that DJ Creme needs to be directed to some of the more experienced family law advocates so that his case can be handled.

I mean, at the end of the day, this entire saga is taking a toll on his mental wellbeing. He is clearly hurting but he needs to be more logical about the way he handles this. He will also need therapy because running to IG to angry-post is not where it’s at. Running to social media to cry for help only makes him the subject of tabloids and entertainment rags.

And as men, we need to take note of what happened. We need to closely monitor this case because it is going to affect more than half of us as fathers. And we need to also realise the importance of a tribe of men who will become our support system. But for now, all I can do is pray for him and his family. All we can do is try to help from the distance between us by offering up our prayers and sending good vibes.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
