
“Is your greed for ratings that bad?” a disgusted Tedd Josiah scolds Ethic’s new release ‘soko’

Creativity levels have seen the birth of a new generation of artistes in Kenya, gengetone whose content, despite being music to the ears of the youth, has been bashed for obscenity.

Not once, not twice, not thrice, have Kenya’s gengetone artistes been censured for producing music content that advocates for violence against women and girls, use of vulgar words and advocating for immoral behavior.

Currently, KFCB Boss, Dr Ezekiel Mutua is on the case of boy band Ethic, championing for their immediate arrest following their newest video release ‘soko’ which he labeled ‘despicable’.

Tedd Josiah

He is not the only one criticizing their X-rated content but veteran music producer, Tedd Josiah is now on their necks.

Through his Instagram page, the father to a young daughter castigated Ethic’s track ‘soko’ that advocates for sexual intimacy with young girls.

Kenyan artistes, let me tell you something, it is time we address the kind of content you are producing. You start talking of rape among young children, because it is like there is nothing else to talk about from gengetone artistes.

Tedd Josiah with daughter, Jay Jay Wendo


And we have seen the record label’s logo. So now you think you are the greater than all of us because you are the only ones familiar with sheng? Right?

He warned the boy band and its producers for just igniting a fire they might never be able to put off because all eyes are now on them.

Gengetone artistes, Ethic

Calling them out for painting a bad image of music artists in Kenya, all because of their greed for ratings and their inconsideration of musicians who actually follow the Law.

Well, you are only making matters worse because the same government we are trying to reach, in order to support our art and pay us royalties, are not even going to take any action with your kind of content.

Wacheni kuchoma picha! It’s like pouring acid on the same seed you expect to grow into a plant.


Are you in need of ratings that bad? Is it that bad really?

Young children

Tedd, who doubles up as a mother and father to his young daughter, was just irked by the vulnerability Ethic had placed on young girls and thinking of his, he couldn’t take it.

If you had a small kid and you hear someone advocating for the rape of young children, how would you feel? I just want to ask you that question.

Veteran music producer, Tedd Josiah


Because I am telling you, I swear, try that with me! I am ready to go to Kamiti if anyone dares that with my kid!

The popular music producer had no problem with music artistes growing their brands, but he was not going to support artistes whose greed for the limelight blinded their morals.

And for any artist who propagates for such kind of malicious acts, I will call them out straightforward. I’m all about freedom of speech, I’m all about, say what you wanna say, but honestly, draw the line sometimes because you have just ruined your legacy.

Father of one, Tedd Josiah

Moral cop, Dr Ezekiel Mutua came across Tedd Josiah’s angry rants and lauded:

This powerful message from veteran music producer to Gengetone artistes represents the disgust and consternation of every responsible Kenyan. Advocating for defilement of children is crossing the line. That’s not art. It’s crime and it’s immoral.

Closing off:

Wosia wa Babu. . . There’s no better way of addressing the subject. Thank you @TeddJosiah for this powerful message



About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
