
List of Counties Experiencing Power Outages Today, Wednesday

Kenya Power has scheduled power interruptions in four counties on Wednesday.

The interruptions will occur between 9 am and 5 pm in specific areas within Nairobi, Siaya, Migori, and Kiambu counties.

These periodic power interruptions are necessary for system maintenance.


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In Nairobi, affected areas include Githurai 45, Co-op Bank, Naivas, Kingdom Sacco, Mt Kenya, Kimbo, MwanaMukia, Clanne Academy, Kassmatt, and Fountain Junior. Additionally, Kwa DO, Mukinye, Army Barracks, Sukari B, Mwiki School, Kimbo Police, part of Mwihoko, Farmers Choice, part of Clay City, and adjacent customers will experience power outages.

In Siaya, areas such as Mbaga Mission, Mbaga Girls, Nyachwinya, Futro, Mulaha, and Lwala Kaor are scheduled for power interruption.

In Migori, the affected locations include Gogo Primary, Macalder Center, Okenge, Got Koule, Got Olango, Sibuoche, Midida, Got Kwach, and adjacent customers.

In Kiambu, power interruptions will impact residents and businesses around Gitaru, Kanyariri, Kanjeru, Chura, Gikuni, Nyathuna, Rukubi, Ruku, and adjacent customers.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
