
Moses Kuria “apologises” for mocking Kenyans

Moses Kuria mockingly apologizes to Kenyans for saying fuel prices would keep rising

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, Investments, Industry, and Trade CS Moses Kuria sarcastically apologized to Kenyans for his earlier statements that the price of fuel would continue to increase until February of the following year.

Kuria claimed that he was advised to apologize by people like Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale and his boss, who told him that his earlier statements were “incorrect, insensitive, and arrogant.”

However, Kuria’s comments appeared to be directed at Khalwale, who has been calling for Kuria’s firing in response to his statements.

Speaking in Kakamega, Khalwale also demanded the dismissal of Ruto’s economic adviser David Ndii and Energy CS Davis Chirchir for their controversial comments on the price of fuel.

Kuria received criticism on Saturday for advising Kenyans who were unhappy about high fuel costs to drill their own oil wells.

Kuria’s apology has been met with mixed reactions from Kenyans. Some Kenyans have praised him for apologizing, while others have criticized him for being sarcastic and for not taking responsibility for his statements.

Ukishinda umesema bei ya mafuta imeongezeka kutoka asubuhi mpaka jioni, si uchimbe kisima chako? (When you keep on complaining that the prices of fuel have gone up, why don’t you just drill your own oil well?)”

Kuria also linked issues related to climate change to growing gasoline prices.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua asked all government representatives to refrain from speaking arrogantly to Kenyans after his address.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
