
Nigerian, Tanzania are winning in Kenya because of media- King Kaka

Rapper King Kaka has blamed the media for some of the woes Kenyan artists are facing.

According to the artists, media has always supported foreigners more than they have done to local artists, a reason why artists from other countries are big locally while artists from Kenya are are not even known outside.

“I think the media is to blame. We are not given airplay in Tanzania. In Kenya, media is playing so much foreign content so you cannot say Kenyan artists do not have content,” King Kaka said in an interview with Willy M Tuva.


King Kaka is set for a high end album launch towards the end of November 2018 for his new project, Eastlando Royalty. He has been touring Nairobi to promote it, moving from one campus to another.

King Kaka was not happy with how much Kenyans are being paid for a show and said that money is hard to reinvest.

“You want to know why we put out substandard content out there? A foreign act will come to the country and do a show for KSh 2 million while a Kenyan artist will only get paid KSh 150,000. That money cannot even cater for a music video outside the country,” he lamented.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
