
One and Done! Mkuru Abel Mutua confirms no more babies for him with & wife

Abel Mutua is sure that he is done having children and so is his wife, Judy Nyawira who is the mother of their 12 year old daughter.

As revealed earlier by Judy Nyawira, for sure they will not be having another kid now or future following personal reasons between her and husband, Abel Mutua.

Abel Mutua with buddy, Njugush

However for some reason this doesn’t sound so good to their fans who keep questioning why they’d choose to have one child – yet they’re young and clearly have good genes that is judging from how adorable their daughter is.

Mkurugenzi tells off womb watchers

Anyway despite Judy Nyawira confirming she has no plans of having more kids while on an interview with SPM buzz; husband, Mkurugenzi has also echoed the same statements while speaking to Eve Mungai in recent interview.

According to Abel Mutua – this decision is personal and although they’re meddlers pointing fingers at him and his wife…. Question is – how is it their business? Does having one child affect them mentally, finally or even spiritually?

Me maze nikiamua kuhave mtoi mmoja kwa hii life, ni decision yangu ni life yangu. I don’t see how it affects you one bit. I don’t see it. Aki ingekuwa inakuaffect tungengangana basi tupate mtoto mwingine but haikuaffect. Basi me nikiwa na mtoto mmoja, weh inakunyima usingizi kwa nini?


mimi najua mbona nimedicide mtoto mmoja is enough. I have my reasons.

I guess there you have it…. It’s not mandatory for them to have more kids nor will they explain themselves to anyone.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
