
Pritty Vishy Accuses Simple Boy Of Cheating On Her With Current Wife

Content creator Purity Vishenwa, known as Pritty Vishy, has made comments on social media that could be interpreted as addressing rumors about her ex-lover Stevo Simple Boy’s relationship with his wife.

The YouTuber has made insensitive comments to depict that Simple Boy was not loyal to her while they were in a relationship years ago.

Taking to her socials, she threw shade at Simple Boy following his current marriage that could be in shambles after Simple Boy reportedly found out that his wife got pregnant for another man.

She wrote;

“The niggah cheated on me with her…then now the empress has cheated on him to an extent of getting pregnant for Jemmoh 💔. So the girl felt so nice when person X was cheating on me with her..she thought person x had a lot of mula..so when I left she was happy and decided to move in only to find out….🤣🤣mmmh..akadhani the management was so poor which is true because “her man” omusanii doesn’t know how to stand for himself like a man.

“So she decided to bring down the management which was fine but she didn’t have plan B like the way I had so ikabaki omusanii ako penye ako,” she added.

Pritty Vishy gained fame after she came out as Stivo’s girlfriend while he was trending with his hit song ‘mihadarati’. Ever since their break-up, the two have been throwing shade at each other-showing that they’re still beefing.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
