
VIDEO: Escort surfaces narrating her dramatic escape from John Matara

A video has surfaced that purportedly depicts a dramatic situation between the fortuitous escape an escort (commercial sex worker) had when she encountered murder suspect, John Matara.

NTV which has been carrying out investigations into the world of prostitution and the link John Matara had to it interviewed a lady who narrated her friend and next-door neighbours hook up with the infamous man courtesy of a dating up.

The man who is at the heart of the murder investigations of the late Starlet Wahu who was murdered in January 2024 and is currently in police custody awaiting the conclusion of the investigations is said to be a marked man in the world of prostitutes as they shared details about him hoping to keep each other safe.

At the time of the incident involving this particular prostitute in the Mirema Drive area of Nairobi was diffused and resolved by the boda boda riders who rushed to the apartment he was accosting the woman in and he was found in possession of a knife, rope and duct tape.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
