
“I am over her!” Rapper Prezzo finally opens up about his ex

Prezzo has come out to claim that he is over his ex girlfriend/fiancé Michelle Yola who he had been seeing for 2 years and a half before they both chose to go there separate ways.

The Kenyan rapper however put in some effort to win back Yola who seemed to have slipped away from him. But after months of trying, Prezzo gave up as word on the streets confirmed that Yola had moved on with a white man.

Speaking to Kiss FM, Prezzo said:

“If God hasn’t written it, it won’t turn out the way you want it to.I believe that life is a learning curve and if one door closes, another one opens. Some things will happen and make you feel heartbroken but maybe it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.”

When asked if he is over Yola, he said:

 “Yes, I have gotten over her already. I keep myself very busy. I just hope and pray that she is good where she is.”

He went on to add that he is not seeing anybody at the moment and is also not in a rush for anything serious. He went on to mention that he will not be removing Yola’s name from his hand as there relationship meant a lot to him.

“The tattoo stays because you have to understand that when I was getting this tattoo she was a very big part of my life.We dated for like two and a half years and the problems that I came across she was the only one there for me. Me saying I’m gonna remove the tattoo because she has another man is petty and immature,”

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
