
‘Umekonda Na Mwezi Haijaisha’ KRG the Don Throws Shade At His Ex-Wife

Barely a month ago, musician and businessman KRG the Don separated with his ex-wife Linah; accusing her sister for ill-advising her to leave him and their children.

KRG expressed his disappointment after their separation; saying that his ex-wife decided to choose her sister over her own children, despite them being together for 7 years.

”She used to be the person I loved the most but she wasted herself by listening to silly advisers who wanted to ruin her life since she was above dem all by everything yet she was the youngest ………. Okay Kweli sikio la kufa haliski dawa???????? she choose her sister over her own kids ????

Shortly after the separation, they continuously threw shade at each other; with his wife insinuating that KRG is not good in bed. This was not the end of their tirade against each other.

KRG has now connoted that Linah has tremendously lost weight; barely a month after their separation. He wrote on his Insta stories;

”Kwanini watu wanakonda hivi? Na mwezi haijaisha????????. Chakula ndio shida ama ni kumeza ndio shida? Je? Baada ya mwaka tutakua bado tupo ama watu watajitia vitanzi.

He continued to explain why he made public the statement;

”Why are people getting mad btw? I was just saying it coz her friends ndio walinitumia pictures za shosh eti anakula ngumu anavaa viatu over size mara amekonda mashavu yameshuka. So I just decided to write it here ndio aongeze bidii ya kumeza chakula wawache kuona hizo vitu negative.”

Latest photos of Linah are yet to be unveiled.



About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
