
Jalang’o has sealed his political fate

Lang’ata Member of Parliament, Jalang’o, or as the government knows him, Felix Odiwuor has sealed his political fate and it looks like he will soon have to find a political home outside Azimio and ODM as the powers that be are now not shying away from calling him a traitor publicly.

In a recent post made by Raila Odinga, he accused certain “rebel ODM MPS” of being involved in a plot hatched by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to hire goons to interfere with the planned demonstrations.

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‘The same crude weapons and forces” uniforms are being dispatched to upcountry locations in western and

Nyanza, where youths have been booked in hotels with instructions to target specific Azimio leaders.

A number of rebel Azimio MPs from these regions have been deployed in support of this dirty mission

especially in western Kenya and Nyanza.

Multi-talented media personality, Felix Odiwuor aka Jalang’o

The question everyone has had on their tongues for a while now is about to be answered: whether or not Jalang’o needs ODM to be the Lang’ata MP or if he can still retain his seat once the party expels him.

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It is only a matter of time for that hypothetical situation to become the reality given the writing on the wall. And if he can indeed retain the seat is going to an uphill battle because the former Lang’ata MP, Nixon Korir is still UDA and Kenya Kwanza’s man of choice so he would most likely have to go about the election as an independent candidate.

Whatever the case may be, the die is cast and Jalang’o has sealed his political fate. I suspect that it won’t be long before he is either summonsed for a disciplinary hearing by ODM or outright kicked out of the party in which case he will find out whether he is bigger than the party to the Lang’ata electorate.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
