Simon Ng’ang’a King’ara trounced Isaac Mwaura to clinch Jubilee ticket for Ruiru parliamentary seat. Mwaura conceded defeat early before all votes were tallied.
Mwaura took time to decorate his concession speech, he mentioned legends like Jesse Jackson, Barrack Obama, Wangari Mathai and Nelson Mandela. Read the full speech below:
“Good morning Team.
“The results are out and the people of Ruiru have spoken on who should be their next Member of Parliament.
“We did our best and we live to fight for another day. Our bid was a debut for a person with albinism and also a youth to ran for a high level political office in our constituency and country. This in itself has had its own challenges. Like many pioneers such as Martin Luther King Jr, Rev Jesse Jackson, Barrack Obama, Wangari Mathai, Martha Karua, Nelson Mandela, and recently Hillary Clinton, its never easy but someone had to do it. Someone had to be the first to pay the price and create a pathway of possibilities.

“Our candidature was the best in relation to the true roles of a quintessential Member of Parliament. It has helped fight stigma and discrimination, break glass ceiling, push the awareness and inclusion agenda forward, and inspire many other people in our great country and beyond to stand up and be counted.
“I remain committed to the dream of the Jubilee Party and most sincerely thank H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta C.G.H and his able deputy H.E William Samoei Ruto for the great support and faith that they gave us.
“To all my supporters, let us support the winner Simon Ng’ang’a King’ara of whom I called at 4.11 am and congratulated him. I wish him well in serving the people of Ruiru and wish to assure him of my full support in exercising his mandate, for leadership almost invariably, has capacity to transform society.
“We now join hands in consolidating the jubilee presidential votes towards the August general elections in order to ensure that President Uhuru Kenyatta and our deputy William Ruto secure a 2nd term.
“I truly want to thank all TeaMwaura volunteers who constituted people of grate talent both young and old. Vijana, warembo na Mwaura… thanks a million!! Thanks for believing in us and in me, giving your all, never doubting that indeed we stood a chance to victory.
“We ran against candidates who had more experience and who had been onthe ground for nearly 10 years doing what we did in slightly more than a year. We will be there someday and am certain that this campaign has left us better than the way we started. People of great talent and resource, well put into good use.
“For all those who supported us financially, materially, emotionally, in prayers and more so those who turned up to give us their votes, I say thanks alot indeed. Thanks for believing in us against all odds.
“We have ran the race, we have kept the faith. Victory belongs to the LORD.
“Thanks once again and may our good LORD bless you.
“Hon Dr Mwaura M Isaac CBS MP.”

Mwaura’s speech only attracted hate and criticisms, some said his lost karma. See some of the reactions from Kenyans below:
Omosa Collins: Kizungu miingi ya nini? Enda nyumbani and take a rest..u don’t mess with your godfather..learn to respect people, RAO picked u from garbage lakini ulimtusi ukaona umefika,kweli asante ya punda ni mateke,lets see what jubilee has in store for you…nwei pole!!!
Maggie Megan: Who wrote all these words?certainly not you,why are you mentioning great names like Obama,martin Luther king,Nelson mandela?You are not in the same circle,they never abused people…Who are you Isaac Mwaura?You fought for albinos’?where?when?….go R.I.P
Ken Jackson: God punished you for being ungrateful. RAIRA picked you up from the sewage of ruiru nominated you as the first albino MP in Africa. Then you blame raira for being undemocratic, power hungry, tribalistic. The party you fled to hates you no wonder they didn’t even vote for a traitor like you
Gonza Atiang: Even after cutting your own ear with a razor blade n fanning Raila hate in Ruiru, you still lost?, pole lakini wacha tukuchekelee bwana…..
Albert Ratemo: You revolted,abused your political father b4 he concluded shaping….. let the ear heal ,go home eat your ignorance…… i hope you are humble now… Kelele nyingi imeisha sasa..
Fued Mc’opondo: Lets see if jubilee shall be as good to give free nominations to parliament as ODM whose leadership became ur campaign agenda for Ruiru people..
Ibrahim Otieno: GOD believes in humble servants not with bloated egos.
Leadership is wisdom,remembering tomorrow you may need that bridge,so you don’t burn it.
I’ve seen respectable admirable leaders from central,they have objective agenda NOT ABUSING RAILA,A man who believed in you in all odds….
Thomas Dellesmonterous: Pwhahahahah #MoralLesson Never use your Disability as your Identity and you never fought for albinos or anybody with disability yours was just but personal interest. Usiwatukane wakunga maana uzazi ungalipo,ulipo kata mkono uliokulisha what were you thinking? Ata kuwa Nominated as a Spanner Boy you won’t get. #TheRiseAndFallOfMwaura #Rip and thank you for signing your political Obituary.
Samuel Midianga: Jubilee iko na wenyewe and u should stop talking about Albinism everytime ur in a shit it seems Albinism is one of ua developement agenda there r many succesful Albinos but they always don’t lament about their life status
David Maingi: The future is bright mheshimiwa, tomorrow will b better than today don’t give up,that has been the first stride 4 a long journey
Onesmus Mukhwana: Too bad. You lost your ear and later elections in a span of less than a week. Consult H.E the former P.M since you may be up for another shock. Remember the hands that fed you.
Wan Jala Collins: learn to respect your past…. Raila brought you completely from nowhere, u forgot and started insulting him… go home in peace my friend
Lucas Segera: Reason why u lost. Rails was your agenda. Ruiru people want solutions to their day to day problems not where Raila slept yesterday ?
Boaz Abdul-Rahman Jamal: Never insault a hand that has been feeding u, u were on the opposition all those days then suddenly h woke up and started supporting the government, this showed the people that u don’t stand for anything but just your stomach. The same thing is happening to onyango oloo #politicsofthestomach
John Nyongesa Patsi: Ati albinism…. You were assisted by Raila to be where you are. The results was to abuse him. The people of Ruiru were seeing this. Thanks to Ruiru people hii maneno ya kukataa kurudisha mkono yakome. Kula ujeuri wako
Wilson Njuki: Go to hell on a bike, you are so thankless, you’d better have stayed in ODM that elevated you.
Bado wewe ulisema doctors are tribal, I hope when your ear was almost chopped off, you rememberes to ask the tribe of the Doctor Who attended you.
Hope by drumming support for Uhuru would make him nominate you! Mscheew!
Lucky Maruti Mafruits: I remember this line from Mwaura , “Raila sleeps in graves so that he can win elections ” , sasa wewe mwenye unalala kwa church mbona unashindwa ? What goes around comes around !!!!,,,go well to political oblivion.
Peter Musau Mwaura: ur not a bright politician .u cursed your father baba .see know ur gone.don’t burn the ladder which assisted u climb the roof .otherwise when close down u shall falll
Kimweli Jameth: You spoke ill of the man who gave you a headstart in politics. Utazidi kukata masikio kijana.
Martin Mawira: You lost your ears now it’s nominations. You bit the hand that fed you.Am really sympathising with you loser!.Kizungu miiingi ni ya nini?
Nicholas Mijwanga Oloo: When people were campaigning on the ground you were abusing Raila hoping to get votes. Too bad that didn’t end well
Tobiace Akoko: Crocodile’s tears….stop consoling yourself….people of Ruiru never believed in you thats why they havent voyed for you.