Someone needs to tell Juliani that there is nothing as off-putting as a man who constantly whines. That fact is multiplied by the nth factor when the man complains about people telling him his looks are “personal”.
Juliani gets emotional while responding to fan who called him ‘Ugly’
he was on social media posting his usual “hot takes” on the Bible and some of his female fans began to mock him for being ugly. While the irony of women participating in body-shaming is not lost on me, I was irritated to see the nonsense he responded with. It’s also funny that his feminist friends did not jump to his defence and lecture us about body-shaming.

The fact of the matter is that Juliani is not a stunner. He doesn’t have drop-dead gorgeous looks. Do you want to tell me that he has lived for 40 years on Earth and not accepted this truth? Was it so Earth-shattering for him to the point where he went ape-shit?
Juliani finally speaks about his coparenting relationship with ex girlfriend, Brenda Wairimu
Like fam, is he that far removed from reality that the idea that women would not find him attractive is something worthy of a response? Mans has the other two factors that make a man high value on lock. He has status. He has money. Why is he belly-aching about not having looks? Mans like Seal made it work. Humphrey Boggart too though I doubt most of you know who that is.
Also, Juliani is showing his low self-esteem. It’s peaking as he gets to tweaking. This fool is overlooking the fact that he is one of the most envied men in Kenya. He has had some very spleng tings -complete dime pieces- on his arm. He had Brenda Wairimu back when she was hot. I recall being in high school (or was I in primary?) and envying him. He then dated a hot chingchong who one of my mentors intimated he was with while concurrently being with Brenda.
Juliani reveals when he ‘first met’ Governor Alfred Mutua’s now ex wife, Lilian Ng’ang’a
And now he has fulfilled the ultimate dream of a lot of brokebois (context) when he took Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua’s wifey. Like fam, when we as a society see a man with a personal face (and by the way I think he is just average looking) with spleng tings we begin to wonder whether it is his dig ol bick or his money. In this case, the former is what many are wondering about. Mans is being given adulation for his bedroom game and he is here crying about -lets even say 50 fatties he wouldn’t touch? That is an insecurity he needs to patch up.
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