
This is how the first edition of Kuku Fiesta went down at Arboretum over the weekend(photos)

The first edition of Kuku Fiesta went down over the weekend and it was absolutely fantastic.

Now for a first edition, you would expect a lot of things to go wrong but not on this one.

Also read: This is how the Kuku Fiesta Pre-Party went down over the weekend…Amos and Josh killed it with their performance(photos)

Everything totally according to plan, well at least going by the sound, the turn out and even the artist line up which put on quite a performance as the chicken flowed in plenty in all forms of flavour.

Starting from Le Band, Hart the band and even Amos and Josh who ended the show with the bang.

Check out some of the sights and sounds:

Kuku Fiesta

Kuku Fiesta

Kuku Fiesta

Kuku Fiesta

Kuku Fiesta


About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
