King Kaka’s wife forced to attack fan who asked her to pull down breastfeeding photo 

King Kaka’s wife found herself in some rather unexpected grounds after just another normal day of feeding her months old baby.

Nana Owiti shared a photo on Instagram breastfeeding her baby and some fans were not happy. One even slid in her DM asking her to pull down the post saying it’s offensive.

Message on Instagram

“Someone slid in my DM to ask me to pull down a pic of me nursing my baby, Now,
Here I am Creating the world I want to live in,that’s why I realized I need to nurse anywhere unapologetically. If they don’t see it happening,it won’t be normalized..I won’t be shamed for flipping my breast out so I can feed my hungry, little 
@PrinceIroma..Oh! That feeling of fulfillment as my breast nourishes my baby and my love nourishes his litu soul. How awesome is God? That a baby, can survive solely on this Liquid gold for 6Months or more and gain so much weight. My baby is 8.2kgs today” shared Nana Owiti

Gospel singer Sara Nanaa explains why she proposed to her boyfriend on Good Friday… And no she wasn’t desperate

“Who said that it always has to be the man who proposes?” That was the first question Sara Nanaa asked Ghafla! when we contacted her to inquire why she went against tradition and proposed to her sweetheart.

Nanaa proposed to her now boyfriend on Good Friday, news about her proposal has gone viral as Kenyans try to comprehend how she did it.

So, what pushed Sara Nanaa to pop the big question to her man?

“If you are ready for marriage and have prayed about it, if you find a man you love pursue him. You must also make sure you have good intentions of developing closer friendship with the possibility of marriage but not just for personal benefit. The bottom line is that any man or woman can propose. If you meet someone you love go after him or her. Love goes beyond sex and gender. True love is all that matters,” Sara Nanaa told Ghafla!

The gospel songbird however made it clear that she didn’t propose to her boyfriend out of desperation – Nana told Ghafla! that her sweetheart had previously proposed to her but she wasn’t ready so she took the initiative of proposing to him when she felt she was ready to be his future wife.

And what words did she tell him when she proposed to him?

“Life is about Love. And you have proven without doubt to have been there consistently in my ups and downs despite what has transpired in the many challenges along our way. I know it is something you have asked me before and I declined but today I am putting my pride and ego aside and breaking the usual norm by asking as a mature woman, Will you humbly accept to be my one and only man and companion for life? Will you let me be your wife?” The words Sara Nanaa told her boyfriend when she proposed to him.

And just to be clear, Sara Nanaa didn’t go down on her knee when she proposed to him.