Saumu Mbuvi welcomes baby number 2!

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko’s eldest daughter Saumu Mbuvi is now a mother of two!

The lady announced the arrival of her second baby girl this past weekend exciting fans who were unaware of her pregnancy! From the comments left on her page; it’s evident to see that most felt that the young mum had made a good decision of having kids when still young.

Saumu with her baby daddy and daughter 

Through her Instagram page, the lass shared a few mommy and daughter goal photos to which she captioned;

Today morning we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, and still it happens to be my firstborns birthday as well as women’s day. am more than grateful to God for all his blessings. The day I became a mother was the most magical day of my life.

Saumu Mbuvi’s daughter

Saumu second baby daddy

From the rumors making rounds on social media, Saumu Mbuvi and senator Anwar Loitiptip welcomes their first child after months of dating!

Although the two rarely publicize their romantic life on social media; the smile on Saumu Mbuvi’s face confirms that she finally settled down with the love of her life.

Saumu Mbuvi with her daughter

Her first baby daddy Ben Gatu however remains absent in Saumu and their daughter’s life! After breaking up with him while she was still pregnant; Saumu Mbuvi later on disclosed that he was an abusive and violent man who she could not date anymore.

Since their separation, Ben Gatu’s fame seems to have faded away and even after the pain Saumu went through; she now enjoys happiness on another level all thanks to senator Anwar.

How pregnant Saumu Mbuvi spent her Valentine’s Day on the streets of Nairobi

As the world celebrated Valentine’s Day on 14th February, a pregnant Saumu Mbuvi chose to spread some love to the street kids around CBD!

Saumu Mbuvi

The lady was photographed hanging out with several street children and from the look of things; not even her security detail could keep her away from the kids.

The governor’s daughter went on to share the photos on social media pages; attracting quite a number of comments on her post. She went on to caption the photos saying;

Saumu Mbuvi

Baby number 2

Thanks to the new photos we now understand that Saumu Mbuvi is pregnant with baby number two!

Saumu Mbuvi pregnant with her second child

She went on to flaunt her grown baby bump for the first time and judging from the bumps Size; we can confirm that she is almost heading to 3rd trimester and her baby will be here very soon.

Not quite sure who is responsible but very soon I am sure the lass will be answering these questions during her baby shower!

“My first relationship damaged and left me of depression pills!” Saumu Mbuvi talks about her former relationship with baby daddy

Saumu Mbuvi has lately been on the forefront when it comes to advising young ladies who build their entire lives around their young relationships.

As many know, she got pregnant immediately after completing her university studies and thought that her relationship with her then boyfriend who is now her baby daddy would lead to marriage.

However, things between the two did not work out as planned and they later on had a bitter break up just before their daughter was born.

Saumu’s advise

Now that she is older and wiser, Mike Sonko’s eldest daughter shared a post taking about her first relationship damaged her and left her on depression pills. She wrote saying;


Honestly I’m not a relationship expert, all I was doing is research for some NGO…and I realized so many women are affected by this.

Let me use myself as an example., My first relationship I was only 21 young and naive, thinking the relationship would lead to marriage. It totally damaged me and left me on depression pills for a while. The same fear of being judged is what I had until I choose myself and my child’s happiness over everything..,

Read the post below.

Saumu Mbuvi

“Hampendi kuona wasichana wenzenu wakitulia!” Saumu Mbuvi tells off haters claiming she jumps from one man to another

Mike Sonko’s eldest daughter Saumu Mbuvi is fed up of getting criticized for moving on quite fast every time she breaks up with her lover.

Apparently some ladies have been living comments under her photos advising her to change.

Saumu Mbuvi

However, Saumu has come out lashing at the women who feel they have a right to tell her how to live her life.

According to the lady; she still believes in love and if moving on fast means finding it, then she will not stop.

Saumu Mbuvi went on to say that she is unlike most women who are out to trap rich men on social media pages and dating sites.


Mind your business

The mum of one concluded by telling those leaving unnecessary comments under her page to stop and mind their business as she was not going to entertain this.


Gross! Saumu Mbuvi narrates ordeal of how attacker followed her to the toilet

Governor Mike Sonko´s daughter, Saumu Mbuvi and lover, Senator Anwar Loitiptip have recorded statements with the police after gruesome attack just Saturday.

Ms Mbuvi and the Lamu Senator are allegedly dating.

On Saturday night, like any ordinary evening, the duo spent the night out.

This time watching UEFA Champion´s League final at the Memphis Lounge close to USIU, along Thika Road.


While recording her statement at Kasarani police station, Saumu sadly recounts:

We stayed at the club up to 0240hours on the 2nd day of June 2019.

As we were moving out I went to answer to a call of nature

And I went to the toilet located at the entrance of the said lounge.

As I went inside the toilet, a man who was standing in front of the toilet followed me and grabbed me by the top.

He pulled the top tearing it.

I screamed for help and someone threw a stone inside.

The man who was brown and short moved out and entered into a room and locked himself in.

Soon after the screams, the Lamu Senator moves in to the location of the suspect, ordering him to show himself and explain what exactly that was all about.

However, the man comes out and apologizes.

Contrary, according to a detective speaking to ´Nation´, Senator Anwar actually attacked the suspect with taser gun.

The man was attacked by a taser gun

And it is the attack that led to the confrontation that later took place at the parking lot.

The detective cites that investigations are still underway, trying to trace the taser gun.

At the parking lot, Saumu articulates that a 10-man gang attacked the Senator with crude weapons.

After the incident, we left heading to the car when a group of about nine in the company of the brown [man] came after us.

The men were all armed with clubs and started beating Anwar on the foot prompting him to fall down.

I covered his head and shielded him from the beatings when I was also hit on the right arm sustaining injuries.

It is after the attack that Saumu calls her cousin and stepsister, taking them to the Aga Khan University Hospital.

The Lamu Senator is currently admitted, nursing head injuries that include serious cuts.

At the moment, one suspect, apparently a bouncer at the club has been apprehended with the police chasing the other 9.

Rick kid Saumu Mbuvi sends emotional post after allegedly being dumped:I fed mouths that talked ill of me 

Governor Sonko’s daughter Saumu Mbuvi was recently on headlines following her break up with her lover. Mbuvi rang the bell by deleting all photos of her man she had initially shared on her Instagram account and fans started to notice all is not well.

The single mother of one even shared a cryptic message that hinted she has been used and hurt by people close to her.

Mbuvi was recently on social media yet again to share how hurt and used she feels following the break up.

According to the flashy lady, she has helped so many people but they all turn and stab her in the back.

”I fed mouths that talked ill of me. I wiped tears from the same people that caused mines. Picked up people that tried to knock me down . Did favors for those who couldn’t do anything for me. Been there for the one’s that left me. Crazy ? Maybe, but I don’t lose myself in the hatred of others.” she posted on Instagram. 

Break ups

This becomes the second ugly public break up Mbuvi has undergone since she parted ways with Ben Gatu several years ago. She has promised that no matter how things turn out, it won’t change her.

“I continue to be me because I can’t change who I am. Life ain’t easy, but through all that troubles I still remain solid. Because I know God got big plans for me,” she wrote. 

Photos from Saumu Mbuvi’s lit birthday party thrown by her wealthy boyfriend

Saumu Mbuvi this past weekend turned a year older and to mark this special occasion; her boyfriend went to give her nothing but the best.

Well, word has it that the lit party went down at Club Wakanda where only friends of the couple were invited.

Judging from the decorations seems that this was a pink and purple themed party and and Saumu Mbuvi wouldn’t have wanted it any other way!

Perfect match

This party however comes just a few weeks after Saumu threw her man the most perfect birthday party. She went on to celebrate him through her Instagram page where she went on to write saying;

“With you by my side, I feel very safe and ready to take on any challenge or obstacle. You are an amazing teammate, and I love you for that. Happy birthday, my love,”

And now in return the young man treated his wifey to this perfect party. Checkout the photos below.


I used to cry myself to sleep when baby daddy  was cheating on me-  Saumu Mbuvi 

Mike Sonko’s daughter Saumu Mbuvi topped headlines in 2017 after bashing his then lover Benson Gatu who was allegedly cheating on her while she was pregnant.

Though Mbuvi never really got into details of what happened, she has now revealed why she took to social media to call out her ex-lover then.

“I had moved in with Gatu, when he started acting up. He would claim to have gone for a business trip, and I would later learn that it was all lies. He was cheating on me with another woman. That is why I even posted about it on social media because it was someone I knew, a daughter to one of the governors. I do not mean to tarnish his name or his political ambitions, but this is one story I have to make clear,” she revealed in an interview with People Daily. 

Third trimester

In the interview, she also revealed that Gatu would leave her in the house to go and have fun with his side dish at the coast.

“During my last trimester, the guy had disappeared. Even for clinical appointments and other important matters, he was nowhere to be seen. Many are the nights I used to cry myself to sleep. I ended up frustrated, and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I moved back to my parents’ home. One thing I have come to understand is that relationships fail. I am not and will not be the first one to be cheated on and left. Just because I am in the limelight doesn’t mean everything has to be perfect.” she said. 


Saumu Mbuvi flaunts another engagement ring (Photos)

Saumu Mbuvi’s sweetheart has proposed to her multiple times, the lovey dovey man seems to be too eager to make the mother of one his wife.

Saumu first showed off an engagement ring sometimes in July this year when she was accused of eloping with someone else’s husband.

Also read: Someone’s husband my foot! Saumu Mbuvi flaunts engagement ring hours after accused of being a husband snatcher

Trip to US

Saumu clarified that her fiancé has never been a married man in a recent interview with Word Is. The Nairobi governor’s daughter explained her man was single when they met during her trip to US.

“He is a businessman and I met him when I was traveling to the US. We exchanged numbers and started talking even when I came back. He has never been married. Maybe he was ever in a relationship, like I was before. People are always jealous, and those negative things are just from people who are jealous,” said Saumu Mbuvi.

Saumu once again flaunted photos of her engagement ring on social media, see the photos below:




“Not everyone wishes you well out here” Saumu Mbuvi deletes new bae’s photos on social media

Saumu Mbuvi first announced she had found a new bae sometimes in May 2018. Sonko’s firstborn daughter paraded her man on social media in a series of photos but she has since pulled down the photos.

A few months after Saumu introduced her new sweetheart she was confronted by someone on Instagram who accused her of dating another woman’s husband.

Also read: “I met him when I was traveling to US” Saumu Mbuvi sets the record straight about her fiancé after husband-snatching claims

Just being careful
A photo of Saumu Mbuvi with her bae on her IG before she pulled it down
A photo of Saumu Mbuvi with her bae on her IG before she pulled it down

Saumu has deleted her new bae’s photos perhaps to avoid interference from third parties. She took to instagram and posted a note reading ‘Keep your relationship private without keeping your partner a secret. There is a difference between privacy and secrecy’.

“Not everyone wishes you well out here??” Saumu captioned the note.

Anerlisa’s advice

Saumu’s decision to hide her sweetheart comes months after Anerlisa Muigai advised Vera Sidika and Otile Brown to keep their love affair off social media.

Of course they didn’t listen and they broke up eventually.

Also read: “Keep your private life off social media” Anerlisa Muigai tells Vera Sidika and Otile Brown


Saumu Mbuvi posts heartbreaking tribute to her late mother

Saumu Mbuvi lost her biological mother at a young age. The Nairobi governor sired Saumu with Njeri Wangui who was his high school sweetheart.

In a past post on his Facebook account, Sonko revealed that he got his first born Saumu Mbuvi while he was still a Form Four student.

Saumu has eulogized her late mother in an emotional tribute she wrote on social media. She was remembering her late mother on her 10th death anniversary.

Saumu Mbuvi's mother
Saumu Mbuvi’s mother
Will make you proud

In her eulogy, Saumu Mbuvi assures her late mother that she will lead a life that will make her proud. She also reveals she still feels the pain of losing her.

“I still cant believe today marks 10years since you left us.I know It will never get easier losing you to death when I still needed you so much. But in your honour I will live a life that would have made you proud of me if you were still here. I love you and miss you mum .#sleepwellmama❤️??,” wrote Saumu Mbuvi.


Murang’a governor’s daughter hints Saumu Mbuvi’s baby daddy Ben Gatu has already impregnated her

Benson Gatu and Saumu Mbuvi went their separate way in early 2017 just before their daughter was born. Ben however quickly moved on to start a new relationship with Racheal Wanja – the daughter of Murang’a Governor Mwangi wa Iria.

Ben Gatu and Racheal Wanja
Ben Gatu and Racheal Wanja

Racheal and Ben, who have been cohabiting since 2017, are now expecting their first child together. Racheal also has another daughter from a previous relationship.

Bizarre cake

Racheal took to social media and shared a weird cake of couples making out and announced on the caption that she was expecting baby number two.



“I met him when I was traveling to US” Saumu Mbuvi sets the record straight about her fiancé after husband-snatching claims

Saumu Mbuvi was recently confronted by someone who accused her of dating a married man. The person called out Saumu saying she will never be happy in her relationship.

Sionko’s daughter however rubbished the claims saying people were just being jealous of her. She went on to show off her engagement ring hours after she was accused of being a husband-snatcher.

Also read: Someone’s husband my foot! Saumu Mbuvi flaunts engagement ring hours after accused of being a husband snatcher

He has never been married

Saumu clarified that her fiancé has never been a married man in a recent interview with Word Is. The Nairobi governor’s daughter explains her man was single when they met.

“He is a businessman and I met him when I was traveling to the US. We exchanged numbers and started talking even when I came back. He has never been married. Maybe he was ever in a relationship, like I was before. People are always jealous, and those negative things are just from people who are jealous,” said Saumu Mbuvi.

Saumu Mbuvi with her her fiancé
Saumu Mbuvi with her her fiancé

The mother of one also disclosed that plans for their wedding were underway. She however refused to divulge more details about the wedding.

“The wedding is confidential because I do not want to be so obvious like everyone else. I want it to be a surprise but it is there.”



Someone’s husband my foot! Saumu Mbuvi flaunts engagement ring hours after accused of being a husband snatcher

On Wednesday July 4th Saumu Mbuvi was confronted by someone who accused her of dating a married man. The person called out Saumu saying she will never be happy in her relationship.

Saumu however justified dating a ‘married man’ explaining that her baby daddy Benson Gatu was also taken from her by another woman.

“I was in a come-we-stay marriage and someone came between us. Now my baby daddy and the other person are very happy and that is a good thing,” said Saumu Mbuvi.

Also read: “I was in a come-we-stay marriage and someone came between us” Saumu Mbuvi justifies dating someone’s husband


Hours after the whole drama, Saumu Mbuvi once again took to social media but this time she was showing off engagement ring.

“My Happiness your Pain ??❤.#loveisabeautifulthing,” Saumu Mbuvi captioned the photo.



“I was in a come-we-stay marriage and someone came between us” Saumu Mbuvi justifies dating someone’s husband

On Wednesday July 4th drama broke out on Instagram as Saumu Mbuvi was having a live session with her fans. A certain Olowoshibi1 confronted Saumu about dating another woman’s husband.

“God is watching you. God will never bless you for snatching another woman’s husband,” wrote Olowoshibi1.

Saumu introduced the man she was currently dating sometimes in May 2018. She said she was happy when she unveiled her new sweetheart on social media.

Saumu Mbuvi with her current boyfriend
Saumu Mbuvi with her current boyfriend
The drama continues

Saumu Mbuvi responded to Olowoshibi1 by dismissing their claim. She said she couldn’t take any negativity from a fake account.

“Take your fake ass from my page. I know who you are commenting with fake accounts. I don’t take negativity from anyone,” said Saumu.

Olowoshibi1 responded stressing that what they were claiming was the truth.

“No negativity but facts only,” Olowoshibi1 wrote.

Saumu replied saying;

“This man had a life before me, what matters is the life we have now. He was dating someone before he met me and that is very normal,”

Justifies dating a married man

Saumu then goes to justify why she can date someone’s husband, she explains that her baby daddy Benson Gatu was also taken from her by another woman.

“I was in a come-we-stay marriage and someone came between us. Now my baby daddy and the other person are very happy and that is a good thing,” said Saumu Mbuvi.

Before the whole drama, Saumu Mbuvi had indicated that her current relationship would either lead to marriage or a funeral.

“My Current relationship is either gonna lead to a Wedding or Funeral .Bitch you choose All black or All white ?‍♂️?☺???,” wrote Saumu Mbuvi on IG on Monday.



Saumu Mbuvi in a violent relationship? Unnerving message gives a telltale

Saumu Mbuvi and her baby daddy Benson Gatu split just a few months before she delivered her baby girl. The mother of one has been discreet about her love life for more than a year.

A certain Kelvin Shaban was said to be the reason why Saumu and Gatu’s relationship hit rock bottom. Saumu and Kelvin were rumored to have an affair.

Also read: Revealed! Why Saumu Mbuvi broke up with her boyfriend and yes another man is involved!

New relationship

Saumu introduced the man she was currently dating sometimes in May 2018. She said she was happy when she unveiled her new sweetheart on social media.

Saumu’s tone has now changed, her recent post on social media indicates things might not be going quite well with her new boyfriend. She said her new relationship could either led to marriage or funeral.

“My Current relationship is either gonna lead to a Wedding or Funeral .Bitch you choose All black or All white ?‍♂️?☺???,” Saumu Mbuvi posted on Sunday July 1st.




“Any man can be a father” Saumu Mbuvi take shots at her baby daddy on Father’s Day

Saumu Mbuvi’s message on Father’s Day raised eyebrows – it was a mocking remark that was obviously directed to her baby daddy Ben Gatu.

Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. [sic]

2018 Father’s Day was celebrated/ observed on Sunday June 17th. Saumu Mbuvi appeared to throw shade at her baby daddy in her father’s day message.

Special man

Saumu shared a photo of her father Nairobi governor Mike Sonko with her daughter Baby Sasha and captioned it with the controversial message.

“Any man can bring a child into this world but it takes a special man to be a Father.❤️ ,” wrote Saumu Mbuvi.

Saumu Mbuvi and her baby daddy broke up in 2017 before their baby was born. Ben quickly moved on to start a relationship with Murang’a governor’s daughter Racheal Wanja.



Saumu Mbuvi finally parades her new boyfriend on social media (Photos)

Saumu Mbuvi and her baby daddy Benson Gatu split just a few months before she delivered her baby girl. The mother of one has been discreet about her love life for more than a year.

A certain Kelvin Shaban is the reason why Saumu and Gatu’s relationship hit rock bottom. Saumu and Kelvin were said to have an affair.

Also read: Revealed! Why Saumu Mbuvi broke up with her boyfriend and yes another man is involved!

Benson Gatu quickly moved on with his life after the breakup. He hooked up with the daughter of Muranga’s county governor Mwangi wa Iria.

Ben Gatu with his girlfriend
Ben Gatu with his girlfriend
Saumu’s man

Saumu Mbuvi also unveiled her new sweetheart. The mother of one took to social media to introduce her new boyfriend whom she says makes her so happy.


Mike Sonko spoils his youngest daughter as she celebrates her birthday! (Photos)

Mike Sonko has lately been spending hefty amounts to give his girls the best birthday parties ever. It started with his granddaughter’s 1st birthday then came Saumu’s bash and now his last born’s!

This past weekend the young Sandra Mbuvi was joined by her close friends and relatives to mark her special day. Judging from the photos making rounds on social media, seems like she had quite a celebration.

Also read: Saumu Mbuvi throws herself a lit party as she turns a year older! (Photos)

Dressed in a fancy royal blue dress, the lady did not take chances in letting anyone overshadow her on her bash. Sandra was however escorted by her two older sisters Saumu and Salma who could not miss the party for anything!

Mike Sonko absent!

However just like at his granddaughter’s and Saumu’s bash – the Nairobi governor was not present. Well, could be that he is caught up with his office work but all in all it’s good to see that his girls have been having fun!

Saumu Mbuvi throws herself a lit party as she turns a year older! (Photos)

It’s been barely a week since Saumu Mbuvi celebrated her daughter’s 1st birthday. She also happened to receive a brand new Range Rover from her daddy for making him a proud grandfather.

Well, now Saumu Mbuvi also decided to go ham on her own birthday. From the photos making rounds on social media seems like she held a black and red themed party with her girlfriends!

Also read: Saumu Mbuvi receives 15 million Range Rover that Sonko gifted her for giving him a granddaughter (Video)

Saumu’s party

Being the birthday girl, she chose to step out in a unique outfit that left her looking like a bag of money!

Well, though it took her almost a year to shed off the baby weight, there is no doubt that Saumu Mbuvi’s body has gone back to its old self!

Below are just a few photos from her party.


Saumu Mbuvi receives 15 million Range Rover that Sonko gifted her for giving him a granddaughter (Video)

Nairobi governor Mike Sonko gifted his daughter a brand new Range Rover. The pricey gift comes as Saumi Mbuvi’s daughter turns one.

Mike Sonko shed tears of joy when Saumu Mbuvi gave birth to her daughter sometimes in March 2017. The Nairobi governor boasted about being the proudest and youngest grandfather on earth.

Thank you gift

Sonko’s granddaughter Baby Sasha recently turned one and he spent millions on her first birthday. He gifted Saumu a brand new Kes 15 million Range Rover Evoque on her daughter’s birthday.

Sonko gave Saumu the British machine to thank her for making him a grandfather and also for raising her daughter as a single mother.

Saumu and her baby daddy Ben Gatu broke up just before she gave birth. Gatu quickly moved on to start a relationship with Murang’a governor’s daughter Racheal Wanja.




Saumu Mbuvi rubs shoulders with Rachel Shebesh as they meet in New York (Photos)

Saumu Mbuvi warmed up to Rachel Shebesh when they met in New York. The former Nairobi Women Representative has had a frosty relationship with Saumu’s dad.

Last year during campaigns Mike Sonko accused Rachel Shebesh of almost ruining his marriage. Of course they later on mend fences and went back to being friends.

No beef

Saumu does not harbor ill feelings towards Shebesh. The two warmed up to each other on the sidelines of United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62) summit in New York.

Saumu and her mother traveled to America to attend the 12 day summit. CSW62 is UN’s largest gathering on gender equality. The summit focuses on the theme, “Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls”.



Saumu Mbuvi’s baby daddy Ben Gatu pours out his heart to his daughter on her first birthday (Photos)

Ben Gatu could have broken up with Saumu Mbuvi but he still loves his daughter dearly. The aspiring politician penned a heartfelt letter to his daughter as she turns one.

Ben and Saumu Mbuvi broke up in 2017 before their baby was born. Ben quickly moved on to start a relationship with Murang’a governor’s daughter Racheal Wanja.

Ben Gatu and his new sweetheart

Saumu Mbuvi however is not known to be dating anyone currently, or if she is she is definitely keeping her relationship under wraps.

You changed people’s lives

Ben poured out his heart to his daughter Baby Sasha on her first birthday. The former Mathioya constituency aspirant tells his daughter that she has been a blessing to many people ever since she was born.

Baby Sasha

“On a day like this one year ago, you came into this world of hardships and joy in equal measure. You changed people’s status to grandpa’s,grandmas, uncles, aunts, sister to name but a few.
I wish you God’s grace, favour and his mercy all the days of your life Baby Sasha,” wrote Ben Gatu.




Saumu Mbuvi’s baby daddy to marry his new found love (Details)

Benson Gatu and his fiance who happens to be the daughter of Mwangi wa Iria Governor of Murang’a county are set to wed soon. This was revealed by the lady who shared a photo appreciating her guests for having attended their #Kuhandaithigi ceremony just recently.

From her post we learn that this occasion is held by the grooms family to book their bride. And for this we can now confirm that the two will be walking down the aisle pretty much soon.

Also read: Saumi Mbuvi’s baby daddy Benson Gatu scores himself another light skin (Photos)

Why Saumu dumped Benson

This comes a few months after Saumu Mbuvi walked out of Benson’s life saying that she was tired of a man who keeps walking from one politician’s daughter to another. She wrote saying;

“I’m tired of waking up every morning getting different stories about me on this cheap blogs. Just to clear the air I was never married in the first place. I’m just a woman who realized my worth before it was too late .yes we broke up .I’m just too young to go through such bullsh*t of a man moving from one politician’s daughter to another for his selfish benefits. I wonder what all of you get by writing all this nonsense. Next time I see bs about me I will definitely take it to court. If there is anything that needs to be clarified call my number. ”

Also read: New photos of Saumu Mbuvi’s baby daddy spending some quality time with his latest girlfriend

Benson Gatu and fiance to wed soon

Though he has a daughter with Saumu Mbuvi, politician Benson Gatu is now ready to settle down with his new girlfriend.

Saumi Mbuvi’s baby daddy Benson Gatu scores himself another light skin (Photos)

Saumu Mbuvi’s ex sweetheart has obviously moved on with his life. Benson Gatu and Saumu went their separate way early this year just before Sonko’s daughter gave birth.

A certain Kelvin Shaban is the reason why Saumu and Gatu’s relationship hit rock bottom. Saumu and Kelvin were said to have an affair.

Benson Gatu and Saumu Mbuvi

Kelvin was even seen embracing Saumu at her baby shower. Benson Gatu was nowhere to be seen at the lavish baby shower.

Benson’s new catch

Saumu and Benson are co-parenting even though they no longer live together. The former Mathioya constituency aspirant has scored himself another beautiful lady.

Benson Gatu with his new girl

Benson shared photos of his new girl and him in romantic posture. He talks about past relationship experience in one of the photos shared on social media.

“Life at times hands you lemons so you can appreciate the sweetness of the best tangerines when handed to you,” wrote Benson Gatu.




10 photos of Sandra Mbuvi’s boyfriend who has just died

Mike Sonko’s second born daughter Sandra Mbuvi has lost her boyfriend. The deceased’s death was announced by the governor’s eldest daughter Saumu Mbuvi.

Sandra Mbuvi introduced Ian Ndemange Kiio as her boyfriend in March 2015. Sandra uploaded a series of romantic photos with her boyfriend on Instagram before she deleted her account later on.

“You know you’ve found your soul mate and bestfriend, when you’re having a bad day and just want to be in their arms so that they can shield out all the bad in the world…me love this monkey too much♥,” Salma captioned the photo she had taken with her boyfriend.

Saumu Mbuvi mourns the death of Ian

Ian passed on a few days ago, it’s not clear what caused his untimely death. Saumu Mbuvi announced the death of her sister’s boyfriend on her Instagram handle.

“saumu_mbuvi7Still can’t believe you are gone .??? Rest with the angels brother .Till we meet again,” Saumu Mbuvi captioned a photo of Ian she shared.

Below are other photos of Sandra Mbuvi’s deceased boyfriend: