Wema Sepetu has struggled to have kids for years now to a point she is only asking her God for just one. Just one baby that will call her mummy and a child of her own – but everytime she gets pregnant, the pregnancy somehow ends up with a miscarriage.

Well, from the latest stories – we understand that she blames her current young boyfriend Whozu for being the reason she lost their 3 months pregnancy; but again – didn’t she suffer a miscarriage at 3 months while pregnant with Idris Sultan’s twins? Its a cycle and for some reason she never gets to second trimester.
Miscarriages after abortions
Okay….at this point I am forced to remind you that in the past she had two abortions which I now believe are the reason she cannot get past the first pregnancy trimester; since the quack doctor who performed the abortion either tampered with her uterus or her womb isn’t strong enough to carry a child.

Studies show that women who have abortions can develop a womb infection whixh then can spread to your fallopian tubes and ovaries causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which then makes it more difficult to get pregnant and increases the risk of ectopic pregnancies…same same cause as Wema Sepetu’s situation.
Well with Wema Sepetu in her early 30’s- we also understand there is pressure to conceive and believe it or not….she is even willing to raise it as a single mother, something many other single mums out here would discourage her from doing…..but from the way she wants a child, i don’t think anything or anyone can stop her from trying over and over again.