Meet handsome young man responsible for Mama Baha’s pregnancy

Mama Baha is pregnant with her first child all thanks to bae, David Kinyast the man behind her every smile and happiness. However being one who enjoys her privacy, Wanjiku Mburu popularly known as mama Baha has been keeping her man private until recently when she celebrated him on her page.

Also read: Actress Mama Baha announces 1st pregnancy as she celebrates 39th birthday (Photos)

As seen on the post, Ms Wanjiku Mburu describes her man as God’s answered prayers – her miracle – the man chosen just for her. Well, this is because she says she prayed and fasted for a God fearing man and just like that – she met Mr Kinyast.

Mama Baha aka Wanjiku Mburu

My answered prayer @davidkinyast

February of 2018 I went for a 5 day prayer and fasting and one of my prayer items was a husband ( we have to be intentional about this), I prayed for a God fearing man, a man from his own store house, the one he kept for me. By the end of the prayer and fasting, God spoke to me and said he would give me a partner and so I came back home expectant of the Lord.

Beautiful love story

Although her prayers weren’t answered right there and there – Wanjiku says her hearts desire was fulfilled in 2021 after meeting Mr Kinyast.

Also read: “I am not dead!” Machachari actress, Mama Baha, alleged to be dead, strongly refutes the claims

Narrating how their love came to be, Wanjiku went on to conclude her post about bae saying;

Mama Baha’s husband, David Kinyast

Fast forward to February 2nd 2021 God answered my prayer on that ngong hill.
It has been one year already my love and all I can say is I bless the Lord for you!

And now – the happy couple is just a few months to welcoming their first child.

Actress Mama Baha announces 1st pregnancy as she celebrates 39th birthday (Photos)

Wanjiku Mburu popularly known as Mama Baha has finally disclosed news of her pregnancy – just a few months before she welcomes her bundle of joy.

Mama Baha aka Wanjiku Mburu

Also read: “I am not dead!” Machachari actress, Mama Baha, alleged to be dead, strongly refutes the claims

As seen on social media, the lady made the announcement in a new post aimed at ushering her 39th birthday in style. And yes…after years of wanting a baby – her prayers were finally unanswered and Mama Baha is now able to have a child who she will call her own.


Well, being one who is quite secretive about her private life mama Baha also unveiled a new photo flaunting the grown baby bump to which she captioned;

Mama Baha pregnant with first child at 39 years

Also read: “Ungetoa tu nguo zote!” Actress Mama Baha attacked after exposing her body in a tiny bikini

My 39th year and 39 things I have learnt
1.God is my Alpha
2.through him I have my being thankful in the good & bad
4. Be slow to anger
5. Be quick to forgive to others as you would want them to do to you
7.when giving alms, let not the right hand know what the left has done
8. The same sun that melts the snow, hardens the clay
9.pride comes before a fall
10.respect is earned
11. Obey your father and mother
12.lead a quite life
13.mind your own business
14. Work with your own hands
15.nobody has ever died because of working
16.let your talent work for you
17.let no debt remain, other than the debt of love your life, not others
19.walk the talk
20.obey your elders
21.have time away to reflect
22.pray every day
23.prayers is the answer for everything cant please everyone
25.we are all connected
26.the boss is always right quick to listen
28. Be slow to answer
29.when you focus on you, you grow.when you focus on shit,shit grows
30.let your actions speak
31.what you can do today,do
32.everything can be solved through dialogue the sweat of your hands out
34.i am created in God’s image
35. Repent each time I pray
36.choose my battles
37. He has made everything beautiful in its time
38. God answers prayers
39. God gave me a love just for me
#blessed #birthday #newseason #aquarius #twentygreat #foreverlovestory #wamine

Baby bump Photos

Anyway, her reasons to start a family at 39 years remains unknown to the public but I’m pretty sure if she had it her way – baby would have probably been here sooner but hey – the good thing is that she finally got a seed growing inside her.

Below are a few photos showing the growing bump that will have to pop pretty much soon.

Mama Baha pregnant
Actress Wanjiku Mburu aka Mama Baha

Everything has a price tag! Noti Flow’s handsome girlfriend reveals the only thing that attracts her to men

Could women be the reason why men no longer want to stay attached in relationships?

I mean, we confuse them – and in this case I shall be using King Alami as an example of why men continue to have trust issues.

Baes: Noti Flow with King Alami

Well, a few hours ago Ghafla exposed the said stud as a low key call girl selling her body for money and like Bien said, mkulima hachagui jembe – mzigo wangu wacha nibebe meaning no judgements whatsoever!

Anyway with this – we now know that Noti flo’s ‘boyfriend’ is also attracted to men – that is she beds them…an unusual character among  lesbians – don’t you think so? Like seriously, when did you last see a lesbian in need of male private parts?

King Alami with wifey, Noti

Pick a struggle

However, it’s different for King Alami who also loves herself some masculinity in bed. Weird, especially since she carries herself as a man who wants women – and not men – which technically means she’s a lesbian. But a lesbian who sleeps with men?

Couple: Alami and Florence

Anyway this comes weeks after Michelle Ntalami said she is into men or rather is attracted by masculinity characters – either a dyke or a man which is understandable.

 I’m androsexual meaning; Someone who is strictly attracted to men or masculine energy. (Andro is the Greek prefix meaning male or masculine). Also I know I’ve taught you guys a new term. You’re welcome.

But when it comes to King Alami, well let’s just say it’s somehow confusing….. but as far as we know is that, she loves women – but doesn’t mind men when they show her some money? Wait, kwani dictionary yangu ni ya nchi ingine?

What’s the meaning of lesbian again? Ama Janta ni janta joh Doh ndo ina matter?

Anyway, welcome to the LQBTQ community in Kanairo. Where Survival is for the fittest and boy child needs to stay woke. No?

Khadija Kopa’s piece of advice to daughter, Zuchu days before she weds Diamond Platnumz

After mama Dangote revealed that her son will be marrying Zuchu on Valentine’s Day – mama Zuchu, Khadija Kopa has also done her part by sharing a detailed post dedicated to daughter ahead of the big wedding.

Well I guess when it comes to marriage advice, parents are a great resource – I mean after all, they have a lot of life experience to share which explains Khadija’s message to her baby girl.

Zuchu to wed Diamond Platnumz

Also read: Confirmed! Singer Diamond Platnumz and Zuchu to wed in 2 weeks

As seen on Instagram the former Taarab singer reminded her daughter some of the qualities a good wife should always have saying;

Zuhura mwanangu Nimekulea kwenye maadili na Najua wewe ni binti mwenye maamuzi sahihi na mimi kama Mama yako niseme sina budi kukusapoti.


Khadija Kopa

Confirms wedding is on 14th February

As if Mama Dangote and Romy Jones hadn’t spilled the beans on the secret wedding, Khadija Kopa put it in plain black and white as she went on to tell daughter;

Also read: Wema Sepetu opens up about relationship struggles years after Diamond Platnumz betrayal


Tarehe 14 inaenda kua siku yako kubwa hakuna mwanamke asie na ndoto hii.M/Mungu akakusimamie najua hutoniangusha .siku hii isiwe tu siku yako kubwa duniani basi pia ikawe ndo mwanzo wa maisha mapya yenye Furaha .M/Mungu Akulinde kiziwanda changu Amin

One would have expected fans to be over the moon about this wedding – I mean, it’s Diamond Platnumz finally settling down – but judging from how unbothered fans appear on social media…I’m starting to wonder whether Simba already lost his charm?

Confirmed! Singer Diamond Platnumz and Zuchu to wed in 2 weeks

For a while now rumor has had it that Diamond Platnumz and singer Zuchu have been dating and their relationship could end up in marriage – that is if both their parents agree.

Zuchu to wed Diamond Platnumz

The dating rumors fueled by Diamond Platnumz mum and friend Juma Lokole are now starting to sound real, as word making rounds online is that there will be a star studded wedding in 2 weeks where Diamond will take Zuchu to be his wife. Sounds serious.

Also read: Rev Lucy Natasha and fiancé to wed this coming weekend in Royal-like wedding

Well, announcing the wedding details through social media – Diamond Platnumz brother-cousin Romy Jons recently left a comment under mama Dangote’s post saying;


To which mama Dangote responded saying;


Diamond Platnumz and Valentines Day

Although we cannot confirm how truthful the rumors are – I’d like to name a few of Diamond  Platnumz exes who he promised to marry on 14th Feb but unfortunately never did.

Also read: Tanasha hints at new wedding date after Diamond shelved plans to marry her in February

Well, there is Zari Hassan who was not only promised a princess like wedding but was promised to be the only woman he would ever date.

Then, there was our own Tanasha Donna who was also promised a wedding on Feb 14th but as the story goes….it never happened.

And now looks like Zuchu has been added to the popular list – but judging from how strict her mother Khadijah Kopa is – we can promise that this time around Diamond Platnumz will not be doing any monkey business.

King Kaka shares moving testimony 4 months after doctors gave him 30 days to live

King Kaka understands and clearly knows the value of life. Maybe at first, life was just another adventure of learning new things, having a family career and you know – making sure he has enough money in the bank and businesses are running well.

King Kaka

However health is one of those things he may have expected the universe to take care. I mean, he doesn’t smoke nor does he drink and as far as food is concerned I’m pretty sure his wife Nana always prepared organic and healthy foods.

Also read: King Kaka opens up misdiagnosed illness that has left him 33kgs lighter

But, believe it or not – one day his life was turned upside down after a short illness that left doctors diagnosing him with the wrong illness; and top to it off, the medication worsened his situation.

King Kaka reveals what doctors diagnosed him with

For a minute the rapper did not disclose what he was diagnosed with – until recently when he opened up to reveal why he feels blessed to be alive today.

Also read: King Kaka Shows That Artists Need To Bank On Themselves

Well, according to King Kaka his X-ray results proved that he had cavity on both his lungs and from the ‘damage’ doctors gave him approximately 30 days to live. Yes…30 days but that was 4 months ago. Sharing his testimony, the rapper said;

Tbt: King Kaka

Xray showing niko na cavity kwa my 2 lungs Bado Walinipa 30days niishi that was 4 months ago

Today, his life is not only going back to normal but has gained a new meaning and more value as he understands why health should be man’s number one concern.

Pierra Makena on female DJ’s selling nudity and not experience

DJ Pierra Makena was always known for her curves, I mean the petite waist and broad hips kept her followers glued to her page – and I believe they still do to date. Well, apart from that she’s also known for her deejaying skills – something she truly loves and wants to fight for.

With time moving so fast – so everything changing too and I guess this is why Pierra Makena feels disappointed with the new age female deejays using their bodies to entertain their fans.

Also read: Pierra Makena Finally Told The Truth About Being A Single Mum

Pierra Makena

Pierra Makena who is a mother of one recently told Eve woman that female Deejay’s no longer depend on their experience and passion for music to entertain their fans; but most have turned to nudity which they claim is art.

To prove her point, Pierra gave an example of the South African deejay who stripped naked  as part of the entertainment during an event in  December saying;

Also read: “I went through h*ll” Pierra Makena opens up on struggles as a single first time mum

DJ Pierra

See, many female deejays have turned this whole art into a nude thing. We even saw a female deejay in South Africa strip naked before thousands of fans.

Confusing sexy and ratchetness

Well, being one who likes to parade her body with her petite outfits, one would think this is a case of a pot calling kettle black but in her defense, Pierra explained;

Yes, I also wear hot pants and all that but I feel that female deejays are selling more nudity than an experience. This must change.

Well – problem is, these new Deejay’s are entertaining a completely different crowd – that is in terms of age and looking at this new generation – nudity might just be enough entertainment for them. No?

Royalty: Inside Rev Lucy Natasha and Pastor Carmel’s jaw dropping tradition wedding (Photos)

A few days ago rumor has it that Rev Natasha and Caucasian bae, Carmel we’re planning to wed this past weekend. And yes it happened however what we didn’t know is that this was more of an introduction and being a daughter of Mumbi – this had to be done right.

From the photos shared by both pastors, Carmel and Lucy Natasha we can confirm that this event was one of a kind and the amount of money spent to achieve the ‘royalty’ theme must have been a lot.

Also read: Rev Lucy Natasha and fiancé to wed this coming weekend in Royal-like wedding

Well, I guess this is what happens when the word of God brings you together and after preaching about Royal weddings – mmh looks like the two pastors might just be holding one for themselves.

Introduction ceremony

Well, we also understand that this ceremony was held at Natasha’s church giving the congregation a chance to be part of their preacher’s wedding.

As for her fans, Natasha shared a couple of photos from the ceremony and captioned;

Also read: Hot photos of Rev Lucy Natasha’s Asian fiancé that will leave you drooling

You complete me, and blessed I am to have you in my life… THE JOURNEY BEGINS. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me My King ???? @stanleycarmel #TraditionalWedding  #LoveBeyondBorders #NatashaAndCarmel


Natasha’s traditional wedding
Rev Natasha’s wedding
Natasha weds Carmel
Rev Natasha’s wedding
Rev Natasha’s in laws
Rev Natasha and Carmel’s maid of honor
Bridal team

The Kabu’s at Natasha’s wedding

Natasha’s mum

Akuku Danger readmitted to hospital following breathing complications

Comedian Akuku Danger was readmitted to the Nairobi West hospital this past weekend after complaining of breathing issues. As per reports, Akuku has been having some difficulties in breathing since he was discharged but is now in the care of doctors.

This information was revealed by girlfriend , Sandra Dacha who shared the comedian’s health update on her social media pages saying;

We are back to the hospital again

Also read: “He is bae” Sandra Dacha confirms romantic relationship with Akuku Danger



Difficulties in breathing AGAIN

Akuku Danger

Comedian’s health

About a month ago Akuku Danger was admitted to hospital following long term battle with sickle cell anemia. At first, he was set up in the intensive care unit due to his poor health but was later moved to the HDU after showing some improvement.

Also read: Comedian Akuku Danger back on his feet weeks after he was hospitalized (Photos)

He however left the hospital 3 days ago after getting discharged. According to his girlfriend, this was only made possible after he signed an agreement to clear the remaining Ksh 2 million hospital bill in 3 weeks; but little did he know that he would be back to the same hospital bed in less than 48 hours.

Anyway announcing this through social media – Sandra Dacha shared a photo of the comedian in his hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask to which she captioned;

Akuku Danger

Difficulties in breathing AGAIN. He is currently at the HDU as we speak. Keep praying for @itsakukudanger

“He is bae” Sandra Dacha confirms romantic relationship with Akuku Danger

If you’ve been wondering why Sandra Dacha has been on the forefront pushing for Akuku Danger’s fundraising – and giving updates on his health – well it’s because she is the girlfriend. His heartbeat or whatever you kids call it these days.

Also read: Actress Silprosa reveals why she only dates married men

Sandra Anyango Dacha

The plus size actress cum comedian revealed this during Akuku Danger’s  fundraiser – aimed at clearing the Ksh 2 Million debt he left at Nairobi hospital.

This being the first time she is revealing this – Sandra described her bae as a man with a heart of gold, her type and according to her – his smile melts her heart away.

Couple: Sandra Dacha with boyfriend, Akuku Danger

Akuku is my Bae…he is my boyfriend.

Also read: Sandra “Silprosa” Adacha: Finally, we get to see what true body positivity is

More details on secret relationship

This being the first time Sandra Dacha is spilling details of her romantic relationship with Akuku Danger – the actress went on to reveal that they’ve been together for a year now and things are just getting better.

One year, unajua dawa ya balloon ni sindano. He is my type. Akuku has a heart of gold…then his smile…oh my God. He is a good person,”

Well its now obvious to see why she has been worried sick about the man’s health and now that he is back at home – we know that he is in good hands.

Wait, are all comedians dating amongst themselves?

“It’s harmless” Dancer pushing for legalization of marijuana – says she used it while pregnant

For a while now we have been seeing Kenyans on social media pushing for the legalization of Marijuana – but it often falls on deaf ears. Most marijuana consumers in the country actually feel that things got worse after the death of former Kibra MP and weed legalization crusader Ken Okoth who was pushing the matter in parliament.

Late Kibra MP, Ken Okoth

Well, I guess it’s obvious to say that Marijuana is the number one drug used by most artists that is rappers, singers, dancers and others who find inspiration through. Actually most say they use it for recreational purposes which brings us to Carpino the face behind the lady Justice show.

Just like Bien, Nyashinski and many other artistes – Carpino who is a Kenyan dancer based in Italy has come out to push for the legalization of the herb saying she uses it for her craft and that is dancing. Speaking during an interview with People Daily, the bubbly dancer said;

Artistes for long have been negatively associated with abuse of weed which has created stigma around the plant. However we have seen celebrities such as whoopi Goldeberg, Wiz Khalifa, Jay Z, Drake; and Mike Tyson make a lot of money which they reinvested in the arts industry.

Smoked during pregnancy

Just to show how harmless the herb is, Carpino says she smoked throughout her pregnancy and baby was just fine through it all. Carpino even shared a video smoking during her second trimester – and one thing’s for sure – she one daring woman.

Dancer cum Lady justice real life show host, Carpino

For the passion of the herb, Carpino has been documenting her dancing sessions through her lady Justice Show – where she also gets to educate her followers on the benefits of the drug.

Her fight however comes at a time when Bien recently announced that he will be quitting jaba and the many drugs he uses on the low…which includes Marijuana.

Rev Lucy Natasha and fiancé to wed this coming weekend in Royal-like wedding

Both Rev Natasha and fiancé Prophet Carmel believe they are a match made in Heaven and this is because of the life events that brought them together.

According to Carmel, a common friend showed him a short footage of Rev Natasha preaching on Royal weddings and just like that – his spirit chose her.

Also read: Hot photos of Rev Lucy Natasha’s Asian fiancé that will leave you drooling

Natasha and Carmel to wed in Royal like wedding

Call it love at first sight or something – but all we know is that they turned out to be the perfect match who will soon be walking down the aisle.

About the wedding, well rumor has it the two love birds will be holding their first white wedding this weekend; and unlike other ceremonies you’ve seen – Carmel and Rev Natasha will marry in something like a Royal event.

Rev Natasha to wed Carmel

So far word making rounds on social media is that the couple will hold 3 weddings, that is one in Kenya another one in India and finally in Canada where Carmel resides.

Also read: “I slid in her DM” Pastor reveals how he managed to woo Rev Lucy Natasha

Rev Natasha with fiancé

According to the source that leaked the story – the weddings have been carefully planned out  and as far as everything is concerned Natasha will be the only princess turning heads on her special day.

Well – if the rumors are true then Rev Natasha will officially become Mrs Carmel on Saturday, 29th January.

“Learn to respect your man” Eve Mungai advised after embarrassing bae, Trevor during interview

Eve Mungai has given fans a reason to talk with the latest interview uploaded on her YouTube channel. Well, unlike the happy days when they (fans) congratulate her for a job well done – this time around it was more of like ‘Gurl the money  you’re making is changing you.’

Also read: Love Is In The Air- Mungai Eve & Director Trevor Celebrate 2nd Anniversary

Mungai Eve and bae, Director Trevor

This conclusion was made after hearing how she shamed her bae, Trevor for his hair during the interview and as if this wasn’t enough – she went on to call him out for being a careless spender who cannot account for his money. Whaaaat!

True story – and what’s surprising is that despite having said all that on camera – she still uploaded the clip for others to watch. I mean there’s no negative publicity right?

Fans encourage Trevor to stand up for himself

Well, they say the happiest relationships face the toughest challenges but in Mungai Eve and Trevor’s case fans feel that this is more of a power struggle issue – now that fame and money is involved.

Also read: Director Trevor & Mungai Eve Speak On Marriage As They Celebrate 2nd Anniversary (Video)

As seen in the comment section fans not only expressed their disappointed in Mungai Eve for publicly embarrassing Trevor – and since the video was even uploaded on her page some claim she has a toxic trait. But again, it’s the fans who felt this way.

Checkout the comments below.

Another one? Fans already congratulating Size 8 after ‘flaunting’ grown baby bump (Video)

Could it be that size 8 is with child 4 months after she lost her 3rd pregnancy following high blood pressure issues? If you remember well, back in October 2021 Size 8 and husband shared a video announcing the loss of their unborn baby.

Speaking through through their YouTube channel, DJ Mo opened up about his wife’s condition saying;

Also read: Size 8 loses pregnancy following uncontrolled hypertension

Size 8 pregnant?

Dr Nyamu advised us, he said at this point we have to save the mum, we had no other option. We had to do that professionally, we are from the theatre and Linet is safe.

Size 8 on the other hand went on to talk about how high her blood pressure was hence making it difficult to even have the surgery. She said;

My blood pressure rose to a high level and for some time stayed abnormally high.
Doctors tried all their best to manage my pressure but it still kept fluctuating. They even administered different drugs to no avail. I had to undergo surgery.

Size 8 pregnant?

Well, I am no womb watcher but there is a new video of preacher size 8 looking super pregnant and from the comments – looks like fans can already tell.

Also read: Size 8 reveals why she’s scared to give birth for the 3rd time

Size 8 pregnant?

So far fans have not only been sending congratulatory messages to the pastor and husband but some have requested the couple to go slow on the babies considering Size 8’s hypertension problem.

Anyway watch the new Instagram video that has left fans talking about the pregnancy.


Stivo Simpleboy’s mother exposes management for exploiting her son, says there robbing him blind

Rumor has had it for months that Stivo Simple Boy’s manager(s) have been stealing from the singer – which explains his stunt growth in terms of finances. I mean, with his first hit song, Vijana tuache mihadarati one would have thought the money he made would change his lifestyle – but unfortunately he remains struggling to date.

Singer Stivo Simple Boy

Well, from what we understand is that the managers have been bagging 99% of the profits leaving him with 1%.  This was also confirmed by girlfriend Pritty who recently held a candid interview exposing Stivo simple’s management.

Also read: Sailors Gang Vs Mwalimu Rachel, a case of exploitation, malice and utter greed

According to Pritty, her man – Stivo Simple is not in any position to make demands since his finances are handled for him. And being one without knowledge of how the entertainment industry works – his management ends up using him for their own benefit.

Mother in law steps in

With the pandemic affecting the economy Stivo Simple boy’s mother in law (Pritty’s mum) has also come out to air her concern on how her son is getting robbed while everyone is watching.

Simple boy

Pritty’s mum went on to reveal that at some point she had to take in Stivo since he couldn’t even afford rent. She went on to add that this generous move almost cost her marriage with Pritty’s step dad who allegedly wanted him thrown out since he wasn’t helping them out with the bills.

I was the one supporting him, even Purity’s stepfather was saying I kick him out. I told him ‘you never know, God might be using this boy to save us, his people have abandoned him, how can we leave him?

Anyway speaking to Stivo, the mum in law said;

Also read: Mwalimu Racheal forced to deny that she’s exploiting Wamlambez singers

Simpleboy, wherever you are…if your management is telling you to say this and this… Just remember where they are from because I know your background. If you listen to this, remember what you say.

Having known him since he was a young boy (hence the title ‘mum’) Pritty’s mother made it known that the guy isn’t the type to create a story to earn people’s sympathy. To her, Stivo is a truthful man who had a tough background – and seeing people use him isn’t fair.

I hear many people faking stories, but I know Simpleboy’s background, I can tell you where he has come from and where he is now.

Diamond Platnumz close relative outs singer’s secret romantic relationship with Zuchu

For a while rumor has it that Diamond Platnumz is dating Zuchu and from the look of things, the relationship seems to be headed for marriage.

Zuchu with Diamond Platinumz

This however comes as a big surprise especially after how we saw Diamond Platnumz handle his ladies in the past – not forgetting his East African baby mamas. So how in the world did he manage to bag a low key girlfriend like Zuchu?

Also read:

Anyway so far the two have not addressed the rumors but their close relatives continue to make it obvious that they are an item. Zuchu’s mum recently denied knowing anything about the alleged romance but while at it – blessed the two kids to have a beautiful future.

Juma Lokole

Juma Lokole outs his bosses secret

Well, from Diamond Platnumz side looks like Juma Lokole the gossipmonger is the one who will be doing the talking; and believe me – so far everything he says always has some truth to it.

Speaking during his show at Wasafi TV Juma Lokole casually confirmed Diamond Platnumz and Zuchu’s relationship saying;

Also read:

Diamond with Zuchu

 Mimi nawafahamisha, Zuchu na Diamond kweli wana mahusiano. (I can confirm Zuchu and Diamond are in a relationship)

According to Lokole, the two love birds have been together for a month now and their love can’t be hidden as it’s true and beautiful.

Sasa hivi ni mwezi mmoja. Mapenzi hayafichiki. (It’s been a month already and their love can’t be hidden)

Well we can’t really say much about the alleged affair but come to think of it – Diamond Platnumz hasn’t  been trending of late – so could this be a strategy to get fans talking again?

Saumu Mbuvi back to trashing baby daddy on social media

Saumu Mbuvi has not received a single cent from baby daddy since their break up and despite having mentioned it before (not once or twice) looks like she is back to doing it again.

Former governor Mike Sonko with daughter, Saumu

Also read: Saumu Mbuvi finds love months ex husband, Senator Anwar betrayed her with close friend (Photo)

The former Nairobi Senator’s daughter Saumu Mbuvi has opened her family to her social media followers and as usual – she did not have anything nice to say about the Anwar.

So according to Saumu the Senator has been neglecting their daughter for months and neither does he know her whereabouts since there is no communication between the two parents.

Tbt: Saumu with Anwar

This 4th if not 5th exposè happened during her QnA session after a fan asked,

Is Lamu Senator supporting his kid?

Also read: Saumu Mbuvi still bitter with baby daddy, Senator Anwar

To which Ms Mbuvi responded;

Deadbeat kabisa, has never supported a thing

Jilted lover?

If I’m not wrong, then it must be around 1 year  since Senator Anwar left Saumu Mbuvi for Aeedah Bambi – since then, he has been ghosting his daughter – something I feel Saumu Mbuvi should have accepted by now.

However with the way she chooses to trash talk baby daddy on social media proves that she remains bitter – again, hell has no furry like a scorned woman, you know.

But isn’t  exposing him on social media going to bite her back in the end?

Jalang’os replacement at kiss FM finally unveiled (Photos)

Jalango will son be leaving Kiss FM now that he is vying for the Langata seat. The media personality his interest in politics early 2021 shortly after joining kiss FM for the second as a morning host.

He however made it known that come 2022 he would be joining politics because he was tired of crying for change – yet he could make the change himself. Well, times up and soon Jalang’o will be passing his mic to the next radio host – and something tells us that it might just be Dr Ofweneke.

Also read: Unapologetic: Jalango hits back at Arrow Bwoy for calling him a gossipmonger


Ofweneke to replace Jalang’o

Well judging from the latest posts shared on Dr Ofweneke’s page we understand that the comedian cum event host will be joining Jalas and Kamene for the morning Kiss starting Tuesday 25th till end week.

Also read: YY comedian steals the show during Jalango’s live interview (Video)

If you ask me, I guess there is no better candidate than Ofweneke to take over Jalang’o, right? He is not only funny but has a way to keep his listeners entertained and eager – which means more traffic for the station.

Dr Ofweneke to replace Jalang’o at Kiss FM?

Not quite sure whether his chemistry will match that of Kamene Goro – but truth is, fans in the comment section can’t wait to have the guy on the airwaves!

Comedian Akuku Danger back on his feet weeks after he was hospitalized (Photos)

Comedian Akuku Danger is finally out of danger and seems to be doing better now that he can walk on his own as seen on the video shared by his colleague, Sandra Dacha.

Akuku Danger hospitalized

The popular comedian was hospitalized for about 3 weeks following a long battle with Sickle cell anemia and some undying health issues that almost cost his life.

However thanks to his team of doctors, Akuku Danger not only got better but is currently on his feet – like nothing really happened.

Also read: Comedian Akuku Danger Set To Be Discharged From Hospital (Video)

Making his comeback to social media, Sandra Dacha shared a new video dancing alongside her buddy; and although he seems to have lost a couple of pounds – Akuku Danger is finally back to being himself.

Hospital Bill

Although he has made major recovery with his health, the comedian remains in hospital due to the huge bill awaiting to be settled.

This was made known by Sandra Dacha who wrote;

Also read: Actress Sandra Dacha Gives Update On Akuku Danger’s Health Condition

We can now walk and dance Hallelujah‼️‼️

@itsakukudanger has officially been discharged today, Monday 24th, BUT can’t be released until we clear pending hospital bill of 2M. We ask 10,000 wellwishers donating 200 bob each. Paybill: 891300 Account name-Akuku

Check out some of Akuku Danger’s latest photos.

Details of late DJ Lithium’s funeral arrangements released

The late Alexander Murimi aka DJ Lithium must have been a sweetheart to those who knew him and I’m assuming his show at Capital FM must have also been top notch – that is judging from how fans and friends continue to celebrate his life on social media.

The late DJ Lithium

Also read: Capital FM’s DJ Lithium Commits Suicide And Leaves Behind Note

According to reports the late DJ Lithium was found lying unconscious at the Capital FM studios and was immediately rushed to the Nairobi Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

With this, his family has now released a few details of the ongoing funeral arrangements as seen on the obituary. From the public announcement post, we understand the late Alex Murimi will be laid to rest on Friday 28 January in Embu country at his parents home in Mugwambogo Village.

Lithium’s funeral arrangements

His family described him as a friend to many – probably to keep it short especially during this hard time. We also understand that he did not leave any children behind but was indeed a man of the people.

Friends and family have however been gathering at his parents residence at Kahawa Sukari ahead of the funeral. Below is a post with more details of the funeral plans.

Late DJ Lithium

KoT roasts NTV for deleting Amina Abdi’s ‘half baked’ apology

Amina Abdi has been having it rough for the the past few days thanks to Miss Mandi who was exposed for being a bully by a former colleague. And just like that, Amina Abdi name took second position as the second meanest female media personality in Kenya.

Actually a former colleague even mentioned that after her weight loss (after years of struggling with baby fat) the new skinny Amina started acting spoilt i.e couldn’t share elevators with her common ‘colleagues’ at Capital FM.

Also read: Miss Mandi and Amina Abdi situation exposes hypocrisy of Kenyan feminists

Well, this was just one of the many mean things she has been known for; but I mean, whoever thought the bubbly Amina was such a diva behind closed doors?

Anyway with her name trending, the mother of one decided to share her side of the story through NTV’s The Trend show where she opened up apologizing for whatever it is she is being blamed for, saying;

Also read: KoT having a field day roasting ‘Mean Miss Mandii’ after former colleague exposes her as a bully

If there is anyone who I’ve ever given the kind of reception they didn’t expect, I apologise but am not toxic.

NTV redirects heat back to Amina

With the apology KoT on the other hand couldn’t stand the attitude in her words hence the crazy retweets that forced NTV to delete the apology bit from Friday, 21st January episode.

Immediately after pulling down the post  – fans started demanding for an explanation and most of tweets read;


Co-wife conflict: Karen Nyamu calls out Samidoh’s first wife for being jealous of her success

The last time we checked Samidoh wasn’t sleeping in either Karen Nyamu’s home or first wife Eddah’s place. In fact, word making rounds on social media is the the singer was out to enjoy life in Mombasa, since both his wives weren’t giving him peace back at home.

First wife, Eddy with hubby Samidoh

Also read: Karen Nyamu allegedly dumps Samidoh for ‘cheating‘ on her (Photo)

With the breakup rumors making rounds on social media, Karen Nyamu fueled the situation by sharing a meme which reflected her ‘single love life’ and just like that – the lawyer cum politician confirmed there’s trouble back at home.

Eddah on the other shared a post showing support for Julie Kabogo in the Senatorial race for Nairobi County, knowing very well co wife – Karen Nyamu is also eyeing the same seat but on a UDA ticket.

Samidoh with second wife, Karen Nyamu

Karen Nyamu addresses Edday

Having heard that Karen Nyamu has been securing some government tenders for Edday  through Samidoh, one would have expected her to be grateful and show some support for the co wife friendship – but no!

Seems like Edday still despises Karen Nyamu for getting involved with Samidoh and no matter how much she keeps doing good – life for as bestfriend co wives will just never happen.

Also read: Mwanaume ni effort! Double blessings for Samidoh as both his wives flaunt grown baby bumps

Samidoh wildling with wife, Edday

Well, at least Edday made this obvious by supporting Julie Kabogo in the Senatorial race for Nairobi County hence leaving Karen Nyamu woke on the reality of things.

Anyway, addressing her co wife’s actions during a recent interview with popular blog Karen Nyamu said she is not in a competition with anyone. If anything, Julie Kabogo is vying for the seat on a Chama Cha Kazi ticket – while she is riding on UDA ticket. So who do you think will win?

And lastly Nyamu pointed out that Edday’s actions were that of a jealous person.

It is her right but I am not in competition with whoever she is supporting. Right now, you all know that chama ni mbili. UDA and Azimio in all the positions. Hizo zingine ziko chini. I can’t be in such a competition. She should also plan on starting something so that we also support her badala ya wivu.

At this rate, Samidoh may have to settle for one wife – if not starting a brand new life with his coast babe. No?

Mandi Saro apologizes to former colleague for being a ‘mean girl’ back in the day

Miss Mandi Saro has been having it rough since Wednesday, following the exposè Koome  Gitobu who called her out for her a bully and a bitter person.

According to the fella, Miss Mandi miss his life a living hell back in the day when they both worked at One FM. Apparently at the time, Miss Mandi would not only pick on him but would publicly discriminate him for being ‘basic’ and not cool like the people she hang out with.

Also read: “She terrorized and brutally bullied me” Former Capital FM employee exposes Miss Mandii Saro for being a bully

Miss Mandi Saro branded as mean girl and big bully

In a detailed post, Koome narrated the past events saying;

Just sitting here watching the person who constantly terrorized & brutally bullied me the entire time we worked together talk about accountability.

Adding that;

This woman. Would constantly call the entire office to a stop to make fun of my clothes when I didn’t have enough money to buy the trendy shit she & her friends thought only those deserving to be in their presence to wear.

Mandi issues apology

Having seen and heard what Koome wrote about her on social media, Mandi who is food Vblogger surprisingly admitted to have some toxic traits – but that was back then.

Also read: KoT having a field day roasting ‘Mean Miss Mandii’ after former colleague exposes her as a bully

Mandi Saro admits to being a bully back in the day

As seen on a detailed post shared on Twitter – 3 days after the ruthless trolls, Mandi apologized for her mean actions adding that back then she was young and foolish. However after the many years, she has been able to correct the mean side and is now a better person. Part of the detailed apology read;

As I grow older I have ensured to continuously correct my behaviour at the earliest opportunity and learn from my past mistakes and interactions. Although this entire conversation has taken a life of its own, I still see this as another opportunity for self-improvement and I do not intend to waste it.

I am guessing the apology wasn’t just meant for Koome but for the many silent colleagues and other people she hurt during her ‘famous’ days on radio. She apologized by adding;

I apologize. I feel terrible that some of my actions could have caused those who have interacted with me such distress because that is not who I am now or what I stand for.

Miss Mandi’s apology

KoT having a field day roasting ‘Mean Miss Mandii’ after former colleague exposes her as a bully

So word making rounds on social media is that Capital FM presenters are toxic. Actually, not all but a few characters here and there that believe having a foreign accent, expensive clothes and alleged relationships with the bosses – gets them a free princess pass.

Well, it all started with one Koome who exposed Mandy for allegedly trolling and bullying him at work simply because he didn’t fit the lavish standards.

Also read: “She terrorized and brutally bullied me” Former Capital FM employee exposes Miss Mandii Saro for being a bully

According to Koome, things like carrying lunch while others ordered in made Mandi pick on him – and oh wait, his clothes too. He mentioned this in one of this tweets saying;

Miss Mandii trolled for being a bully

This woman would constantly call the entire office to a stop to make fun of my clothes when I didn’t have enough money to buy the trendy shit & her friends thought only those deserving to be in their presence to wear.


KoT enjoying the tea

Having come across the lit thread – KoT on the other hand could not help but avail themselves  for this new tea concerning Mandii.

KoT at work

Knowing how ruthless they can get with the jokes – Mandii officially became the first celebrity to kick off 2022 with heavy trolls from Kenyans as seen on Twitter.

While at it, one of her former colleagues Amina Abdi also found herself in the mix as one of the netizens revealed that she is also a mean girl.

If you wanna talk about vile and cruel colleagues who create a toxic work environment, Miss Mandii has nothing on Amina Abdi.

Anyway below are a few tweets from Kenyans who couldn’t let the Mandii issue slide without trolling her for a minute.

Kamene Goro explains why she ended friendship with Andrew Kibe

For a very long time many thought Kamene Goro had a thing with Kibe but unfortunately it turned out that these two are just friends and nothing more.

One would have however thought they’re a bit too friendly with each other  – and I’m guessing we saw this during the NRG times when they couldn’t stay away from each other.

Also read: Andrew Kibe reminds us why Kamene Goro is still just a divorcee

Tbt: Kamene Goro with Andrew Kibe

Moving to Kiss FM unfortunately ruined the whole ‘best buddies – happy colleague’ duo especially after Kibe was let go. Since then, the two friends slowly started distancing from each other and the last time we checked – Andrew was busy attacking Kamene on social media.

Also read: Uliskia Wapi?- Andrew Kibe Refutes Claims Of Being Housed By A ‘Mumama’ In The US

Kamene on friendship with Andrew Kibe

With their friendship dead for about a year or so – Kamene Goro recently held a candid interview with Dr Ofweneke where she opened up about her relationship with Kibe.

Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro

According to Kamene, she decided to cut off Kibe after realizing that the fella wouldn’t respect her or their friendship. And having heard some of the nasty things he says about her on his pod cast – there’s no way their friendship wouldn’t go back to being the same.

Speaking about her reasons for cutting off Kibe, Kamene Goro insisted that he is a toxic man with no boundaries.

I don’t miss Kibe. Recently, I tried to maintain our friendship after we stopped working together but he just became really toxic of late.


He has been out of the country and I have no idea what is going on. When he started attacking me and dragging my name into his mess. I was like, yoh! I am just here minding my business.

And just like that, the two old buddies no longer see eye to eye!


“She terrorized and brutally bullied me” Former Capital FM employee exposes Miss Mandii Saro for being a bully

A few hours ago Miss Mandi shared a tweet talking about how she dislikes people who aren’t big on accountability. Actually, this is what she wrote;

I truly dislike people who aren’t big on accountability. You can’t go around doing things that hurt people then are afraid to be accountable to your actions. You’re stunting your own growth.

Also read: Capital FM’s DJ Lithium Commits Suicide And Leaves Behind Note

At first, her words clicked and made sense until one of Capital FM former employee’s decided to share her experience with Mandi, and judging from what he wrote – looks like Mandi ain’t no angel after all.

Mandi Saro

According to the fella identified, Koome Gitonga – he claims Mandi Saro is not only a bully who constantly picked on him while at the station, but she often incited other people to do the same. Sounds like something out of a teen fleek movie right, anyway he wrote;

Just sitting here watching the person who constantly terrorized & brutally bullied me the entire time we worked together talk about accountability.


This woman. Would constantly call the entire office to a stop to make fun of my clothes when I didn’t have enough money to buy the trendy shit she & her friends thought only those deserving to be in their presence to wear.

Also read: Capital FM forced to deny they fired Hits not homework ‘struggling’ presenters 

Mandi Saro a bully?

Remember when I said the thread sounds like something from a movie scene? Well, from what Koome wrote it’s only fair to say Mandi’s actions may have been inspired by the friends she had back in the States as a child – cause damn, some of it was just too cold!

In another Tweet, Koome made it known that not having a foreign accent made it even worse as Mandi Saro kept on pushing with the trolls. Koome wrote;

This woman. Felt because I didn’t have an accent as well-polished as hers I therefore was not deserving to be a radio presenter like her. And would happily remind me whenever I crossed her (which only happened when I breathed near her)

From the comments looks it’s not only Koome who has faced the wrath from Mandi Saro as the likes of Michelle Ntalami also shared their experience with the lady, hence confirming she’s a bully.